Scriptural Knowledge Tabernacle (SKT) was founded in 2016 as a foundation to memorially honour God Amazing and Sustaining Grace after the founder experienced Gods wonderous healing mercies. The foundation set out on a soul winning and evangelism mission targeting the unsaved and young people in school from Pre-school to Senior High School. The foundation distributes soul winning tracts, Bible study materials, Christian Literature and Bibles directly or through affiliates. The heartbeat of the foundation thrives on a reflection from William Cowper’s Hark My Soul Hymn ……….. Hark, my soul, it is the Lord! ’Tis thy Saviour, hear His Word; Jesus speaks, and speaks to thee, Say, poor, sinner, lovest thou Me? “I delivered thee when bound, And, when bleeding, healed thy wound; Sought thee wandering, set thee right, Turned thy darkness into light

We are open to forming new partnerships with those who meet our criteria. Partners must be recommended to us existing partners or a Church . Please get in touch to find out more 0256537723.

Those applying to become SKT partners must confirm all of the following:

  • They are active in Christian evangelism and mission work
  • They have a position of senior leadership over the work
  • They are practicing Christians who believe in evangelism and in the power of prayer
  • Formally accept the SKT Partner offer
  • Provide names and contact details of 2 character references

The mission work clearly engages in at least one of the following areas:

  1. Christian based schools
  2. Christian based outreach for the unsaved
  3. Teaching Scripture outside Church services
  4. Regular and proactive Evangelism
  5. Distribution of Bibles